Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Bot Views From Your Blog

As a new blogger,have you ever wonder where you get your traffic from whenever you created a new blog and starting updating with Articles without sharing the Article or the blog link with anyone?
        I guess No, but you have to know that the traffic you get might be from your own clicks or invalid clicks( bot) and such traffic aren't safe for your blog but rather it affects our blog nagatively,even such traffic can prevent AdSense from accepting your site but However here are some free steps you can you use to get rid of bot views from your blog.

  NOTE: strictly for those using blogger

 1.Set your blog to stop counting your own page views. Go to your Blogger dashboard>>click Stats>>scroll down and click Manage tracking your own page views>> Check the box present and refresh the page,you are done

2.Analyze your theme before applying to your blog. If you want to use a theme that you downloaded from a website, first create a test blog and publish a random blog post then apply the theme on the test blog, wait after 4 days if you didn't see any view this means the theme is safe from Bot views, then you can apply on your main blog. 

3.Don't share your URL with everyone. To keep your blog safe from attackers, don't share your URL on Facebook pages, groups etc, some of those people may not be happy with your blog Success. 

I hope this Article was helpful?
